
Hi there,

So you want to know a little about me.


My name is Alan Pescud and I’ve got experience doing all aspects of business.

Where I am right now is that I’m bringing those skills to helping businesses-particularly small businesses – make money from your online activities.

I know you are going to want to talk to me because I know that I have the skills and expertise to do the content marketing you want done – as well, I have access to the highly specialized software and systems that it takes to do it cost effectively.

I know that you do not have the time to run the rest of your business and do content marketing properly.
You don’t even have the time to learn it enough to be able to do it online safely.
No small business owner does, unless that is all they do.

So, I feel your pain, I know, I’ve been where you are now, I know what it is like to run a business and wear 10 hats at once.

So let’s get your marketing sorted-book a 22 minute call with me.

This is an “About Us” page

But really, like ice cream or fine wine, it is YOUR experience with us that will make the difference.

Use us to build and cultivate your online presence in a way that attracts new business to you like a 10 tonne magnet.

What we can do for you is much more important and impactful than anything we may or may not be.

Do yourself a favor – book a call with me- let’s see just how far we go together.

Click here to book a call

I’ve put a bit about myself below for your reference if you need it.

My only goal in putting this here is to give you enough confidence in me to be willing to take the next step.

I have more than half a century of real, personal, business experience – commencing in a corner store at 5 years old where my father taught me stock control, the vital importance of looking after customers and a bit about human resources. Although the human resources part was mostly just “stop bothering the shop girls” :).

For nearly 3 decades I have held the status of “Fellow”-the highest status available in CPA Australia, the Australian professional accounting body. I also hold current micro credentials in data analysis and presentation.

As a hobby I studied university level applied science majoring in mathematics- achieving distinctions and high distinctions in subjects relevant to business – statistics, sampling techniques, complex variables and such.

and not just the geeky stuff.

  • My sales experience includes knocking on doors in the rougher part of town selling home improvements, phone canvassing and presentation selling of finance products, and live seminar selling of self improvement courses to name a few.
  • I have owned or part owned:
    A mail order business selling weight loss cassette tapes- yes cassette tapes.
    A commercial property service company
    A building company
    A land development company
    Internet businesses too numerous to mention.
  • As the Credit Manager Australia for the Trade finance division of what was then Australia’s largest finance company – I have overseen the financial health of a large portfolio of import, manufacturing and trading companies.

and that’s just me.

  • We also have a group of talented full time amazingly gifted content marketing specialists on our team.

The only way to find out what we can really do together is to book a 22 minute call with me.
Here’s the link.
Do it now.

Click here to book a call

