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11 Top Retargeting Tips For AdWords Users


With AdWords managed adverting, you have to work deeper to discover the real gems. Remarketing involves an ongoing process of testing and campaign optimization.

Remarketing campaigns are most effective when the right audience is reached. The following AdWords tips can help ensure potential customers are taken to the right product page on your website with little effort required on their part. This is done by creating custom, effective ads that appear in search engine results pages.

What we mean when we talk about remarketing is the opportunity to have a conversation with someone who visited your site earlier about their identified interest. Google’s search engine algorithms are amazing and leave behind a lot of data that can be used for AdWords remarketing campaigns.

The Internet provides users with a huge amount of information, and this amount is increasing exponentially every day. This can make it hard for people to focus and decide what to click on and read. Remarketing can be a very effective way for businesses to achieve their goals, such as increasing sales, event registrations, or brand awareness. It can also be a very profitable marketing strategy.

11 Top Retargeting Tips For AdWords Users

Tip 1: Utilize Dynamic Remarketing For All Verticals

You have dynamic remarketing You can now use dynamic remarketing even if you don’t have a merchant center account. You can upload your own custom feed into AdWords to use this feature.

You can create amazing ads that showcase areas such as travel, recruitment, education, real estate, jobs, and local deals!

To set up dynamic remarketing for your business sector, you need to adjust your dynamic remarketing code to include some more custom variables. For more information about this, see here. After you’ve done that and uploaded your feed, you can start creating ads using the templates on offer within AdWords.

Dynamic remarketing ads are much more effective than static ads, so it’s worth the extra effort to set them up for your business.

Tip 2: Start Using YouTube As A Remarketing Platform

Even though YouTube has been around for a while, many people have not started using it yet. There are two main reasons for this. First, they may not have any video content that would be appropriate for YouTube. Second, they may not believe that they can get a good return on their investment by using YouTube.

If you’re worried about not having the resources or budget to make a video, check out Wooshi. On this site, you can connect with people who will make a video for you within your desired budget.

If your goal is to get people to respond directly to your marketing, then this form of remarketing will be a great addition to your plan. You can play your video before other YouTube videos that people are watching. If a user clicks to skip the ad before it’s finished, you don’t have to pay for the impression.

Tip 3: Make Use Of The Time Lag To Conversions Report

To find this information, go to your account in AdWords, select Tools > Attribution (search funnels) > Time Lag.

The great thing about this feature is that you can select different types of conversions from a drop down in order to analyze them separately. This is useful because it allows you to see how different types of conversions (such as micro-conversions and purchase) differ.

The conversion window is the amount of time that passes between when a customer is first exposed to your brand and when they finally make a purchase. By adjusting the conversion window, you can get a more detailed picture of how long it takes customers to make a purchase.

The time lag report can help you determine how long your remarketing lists need to be in order to catch people and get them to convert sooner.

It’s a good idea to look through your remarketing lists a few months after you launch to see if you’ve been able to make the purchase process faster.

Tip 4: Link Your AdWords Account To Your Google Play Account

You can access the Linked Accounts feature in AdWords by going into the settings cog at the top right and selecting advanced settings. Once you’re in the advanced settings menu, select Linked Accounts and then select “more details” under the Google Play section.

Click on the “Link to AdWords” option in the pop-up window after completing the required action.

After you finish that, pre-made remarketing lists will be generated for you. This will enable you to create ads targeting people who have interacted with your app.

You could improve your app’s engagement by, for example, targeting ads at people who haven’t used it recently and giving them a incentive to come back. You can also see which version of the app they have installed, which can help with advertising when a new version comes out. This is especially useful forapps that are addictive, like Candy Crush Saga.

Tip 5: Consider How You Could Exclude Lists For RLSA

Some businesses don’t want to use remarketing lists because they don’t want to target people who have already visited their site.

If you’re a dating site, you can create a remarketing list of members who have already logged in, and exclude them from your brand search campaign. That way, you don’t have to pay for clicks from users who are already members of your site. Dating site users may search countless times just to log in, so you may not want to pay for that traffic.

This functionality provides an opportunity to save money during budget periods. Additionally, it allows you to focus your strategy on new users within selected campaigns.

Tip 6: Tag Up Your Email Links With Query Strings & Create Remarketing Lists From These

Tagging your email/newsletter links with query strings will allow you to create remarketing lists based on them.

The Google URL builder can be used to create URLs that can be appended with something as simple as “Source=email.” With this, URL remarketing lists can be set up based on those terms.

Based on how someone entered your website, you could target them with different messaging. For example, if they came from an email promotion, you could follow up with them on that story.

Tip 7: Take Advantage of AdWords Location Marketing Updates

Previously, Google Maps was a part of Google that was not available for advertisement from specific businesses and professionals. However, that has changed and now if an address or establishment is searched for, results come up in both organic and advertisement results.

Ads that use Google’s AdWords location extensions are more likely to be seen by potential customers who are interested in what you’re offering and who are located near you. This location information can be used for remarketing purposes through Google Analytics, unless the user has blocked their location.

Remarketing to specific locations gives you endless possibilities. For example, if you open a new Minneapolis storefront and are running specials, let your current nearby clients know about your grand opening event.

Tip 8: Focus on Value and Education versus Direct Sales

If you have a lot of traffic to your website, you can use remarketing to get people who have left your site to come back and click on pages that don’t generate leads. Focus on getting those who have left your site interested in your business again by telling them more about what you do and how you can help them.

While your goal is to get leads and sales, the best way to do that is by providing a better user experience in the purchasing process. When you give interested consumers information or something for free, without asking for anything in return, you build your brand and nurture lost leads by showing them they are what is important to you. When they are ready to buy, this courting often results in a higher cost sale and a long-term loyal customer.

Tip 9: Monitor, Teak, and Apply Learning to Improve

You should not rely on autopilot for your remarketing campaign, but watch for seasonal changes, holiday sales triggers, potential purchases around events, and other buying triggers. You may want to segment one remarketing ad to a pool of individuals who all arrived from a particular magazine ad, which indicates their interests.

Audience targeting is key when remarketing or using interest category marketing, as it allows you to target the person who is currently on that website. While content relevancy is still important in organic search, it may be less important in a remarketing campaign or other AdWords display campaign, as the focus is on the user rather than the content.

Tip 10: Take Advantage of Newer Ways to Optimize Audience Targeting

It can be difficult to manage AdWords campaigns effectively while also attending to other clients’ requests. However, if you make use of the Audience Insights report, you can target users more effectively, potentially yielding great results.

This information can help you tailor your online messages to better reach your target audience.

An AdWords account that is audience-driven should have multitudes of varying audiences and possibilities. If there is an in-store loyalty program, that might be one audience, or site visitors who have strong onsite activity, such as pages visited or content shared, could be another group. With mobile search being preferred today, there are many ways to segment and target audiences.

A digital marketer should ask how many visits it takes for a potential buyer to convert.

The “new users” and “returning users” buckets have been replaced with different audience categories.

• Individual who visited your website

• Site visitors who engaged content

• Loyalty program participants

• Individuals who buy 3 times each year

are likely to be less active Any site visitors who have not bought anything in the last year are probably not very active.

• Individuals who abandoned your shopping cart

• Recent onsite converters

• Discount shoppers

• Individuals who abandoned a free trial

• Individuals participating in a free trial

• Site visitors who frequently share your web page(s)

• and many added ways to segment audiences

Tip 11: Discovering Affinity Audiences

We start by understanding your current customer journey map. Then, we move on to pinpointing your strengths and weaknesses. Now, it is easier to identify potential customer journeys. We can chart and set-up your goals for fresh, related, existing, and previous customers. By studying your other marketing channels, we can decipher how to use audiences to enhance those channels.

You can use the information you have gathered to create a strategy for targeting your audience.

The above text can be paraphrased as follows: 1. If the complexity of the situation seems confusing, just take it one step at a time. 2. Look at where users abandon your shopping cart conversion process and identify vulnerable points. 3. Begin marketing to this audience segment in a special way that is separate from new users. 4. Get a data science expert to examine the most frequent “exit” points from where your site visitors leave. 5. Generate audiences that re-engage this same segment of visitors through highly-tailored messages.

Time To Start Testing!

I hope some of these tips were useful to you in boosting your marketing productivity! If you have any tips of your own that you want to share, please add them to the comments section below.




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